Heita, Aweh, Sawubona, Molo, Unjani,
Dumela, Howzit?
Or in other words “Hi, how are you?” in some
of the south African official languages. In the area where I live now it`s
mostly a “Hi, how are you?” and even though people always say “i`m good and
you?” you ask anyways.
It`s time i wrote something about the life in
South Africa. So, i assume you all wanna know what`s the difference between
Europe and South Africa. Let`s talk Pretoria first. I can come up with
something more fun or personal later, i promise.
I don`t live in a mud hut. I share a flat with a Texan girl and have my own
room. Yesterday we played the Settlers of Catan. I sucked at it. Normal life ;)
can`t walk anywhere, really. Things are so spread out, you drive everywhere,
kinda like in the States. Except on the other side of the road. I have
awkwardly bumped into people new restrooms trying to politely pass them, just
to realize too late i`m coming from the wrong side. May God get this out of my
system before i get to drive a vehicle!!!
mostly socialise in malls and houses. You call up a friend and meet for coffee
in a mall or you throw a braai (bbq) in your yard, inviting people, who will
bring their own meat to grill. Good news: craft beer culture is on the rise!
work culture is being built from the bottom to the top. People are invited to
work for a small amount of money or just tip, only to make sure they work and
don`t stroll the streets looking for mischief. It`s good and sometimes
hilarious. A man in a reflective vest will help you park, even though you`re
perfectly capable to find a spot and park yourself. But you tip them anyway
cause, hey, they`re working! Life generally is more flexible and fluid in the
matter of details.
-FOOD is amazing.
Seriously. You need to come and eat your way through the nation.
-People are generally
very nice and good hearted; when you smile and have a short chat, it will open
doors to pretty much anything.
-You don`t go out much
at night, due to safety issues. We live in a gated area of a few blocks and out
apartment building has another fence around it. Not sure how much it his helps,
but hey, we`re trying. Very safe and calm during the day though!
else would you like to know? Ask me questions!