štvrtok 25. augusta 2016

Everything is new...

Heita,  Aweh, Sawubona, Molo, Unjani, Dumela, Howzit?

Or in other words “Hi, how are you?” in some of the south African official languages. In the area where I live now it`s mostly a “Hi, how are you?” and even though people always say “i`m good and you?” you ask anyways.

It`s time i wrote something about the life in South Africa. So, i assume you all wanna know what`s the difference between Europe and South Africa. Let`s talk Pretoria first. I can come up with something more fun or personal later, i promise.

-No, I don`t live in a mud hut. I share a flat with a Texan girl and have my own room. Yesterday we played the Settlers of Catan. I sucked at it.  Normal life ;)

-You can`t walk anywhere, really. Things are so spread out, you drive everywhere, kinda like in the States. Except on the other side of the road. I have awkwardly bumped into people new restrooms trying to politely pass them, just to realize too late i`m coming from the wrong side. May God get this out of my system before i get to drive a vehicle!!!

-People mostly socialise in malls and houses. You call up a friend and meet for coffee in a mall or you throw a braai (bbq) in your yard, inviting people, who will bring their own meat to grill. Good news: craft beer culture is on the rise!

-The work culture is being built from the bottom to the top. People are invited to work for a small amount of money or just tip, only to make sure they work and don`t stroll the streets looking for mischief. It`s good and sometimes hilarious. A man in a reflective vest will help you park, even though you`re perfectly capable to find a spot and park yourself. But you tip them anyway cause, hey, they`re working! Life generally is more flexible and fluid in the matter of details.

-FOOD is amazing. Seriously. You need to come and eat your way through the nation.

-People are generally very nice and good hearted; when you smile and have a short chat, it will open doors to pretty much anything.

-You don`t go out much at night, due to safety issues. We live in a gated area of a few blocks and out apartment building has another fence around it. Not sure how much it his helps, but hey, we`re trying. Very safe and calm during the day though!

What else would you like to know? Ask me questions!