pondelok 26. septembra 2016

Writing in the sky

 Psalm 19:1-4
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun."

It was just another prayer meeting. Chairs in a small circle, heads intently staring at the wall. My friend clicks her laptop for the next slide. It`s a picture of a city. Endless maze of sand colored houses seemed to have no end, scorched in the midday sun, showing off its full potential in a clear blue sky. The population doubled since the war pushed the nations into motion. My mind wandered off. All these people. Where are they heading, how will they know, who will go and tell them... What can I do?

My frustrated mind exclaimed "I just wish we could rent a plane and make a giant writing in the skies. Saying it as it is; utter the words that would get you in trouble; shout it from the rooftops!!!"

How, God?

The response came back in a split second.

Media. The voice someone can tune into without actually saying anything. It`s cell phone apps. It`s radio. It`s internet. It`s art!!! It`s music and local wifi networks and all the new technology tools, that previous generations might frown upon and the current one sees as a snare of temptation.  For all to hear. For all to see. Within the reach. Safely? Maybe. There is always a price to be paid. He promised it will happen. It`s inevitable. But it only gives the truth extra value.  He faced that value up close, it has cost Him everything.

So, no, salvation is not our doing. We can shout all we want. But we were given a task. To shout. To chase. To rest. To live. In Him, pursuing others. Loving Him, loving each other, loving them.

There is writing in the skies. It`s creation. It`s new technology, He helped us to invent and use.  We are here and now. This present age has channels of communication, which our ancestors didn`t have. The need in the world is timeless. Make a small step today.

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